While much of our funding comes from our government partners, Alberta Education and Government of Alberta Children’s Services, not all of our costs are covered. We rely on the support of generous donors, sponsors, and grant funders to help ensure our programs and services remain accessible to all families and to help us maintain the level of excellence in therapy and education Providence is known for.
Over the last 5 years, the Providence community has come together to raise over 3.4 million dollars for children in need! We thank and appreciate the continued support of the entire community!
Our funding does not cover capital costs (building/leasing space in new communities near young families), a portion of transportation costs are covered through Alberta Education although with the high need for bussing, our costs go beyond that amount we receive, the cost of our Nutrition Program, or our unique Early Intervention program (for very young children 19 months to 2 years).
The Greatest Needs fund directs all philanthropic contributions to support the greatest needs of Providence determined by the organization. This will create impactful opportunities for the learning environment of all Providence students.
As Providence continues to grow, the need for expanding programming, locations, and resources becomes a great reality. This fund will assist Providence for current and future expansion.
If you would like more information or have any questions, please complete our contact form or send us an email at rd@providencechildren.com