ICC is funded by the Alberta government and administered by Providence in Calgary and surrounding area and Fort McMurray and surrounding area. It is free to access for eligible child care programs.
The program is focused on building skills for educators that:
The Inclusive Child Care (ICC) program is delivered by five agencies across Alberta and is funded by the Ministry of Jobs, Economy and Trade. Watch this video to understand how it works.
Child care programs can apply by completing the Government of Alberta ICC application form.
Please note the application must be opened using Microsoft Edge browser in order to submit the form. For assistance, please view the How To Guide.
Our program is graciously funded by the Government of Alberta. Therefore, there is no cost for licensed child care centres. Any licensed child care program, out-of-school care program and dayhome agency in Alberta can apply for ICC support.
The ICC program is designed to provide coaching to program owners, directors and educators to support the integration of best practices for inclusive care and trauma responsive approaches, for all children in an environment. The program does not provide 1:1 support for children. The focus of coaching support is to increase educator confidence, skills and strategies through coaching and consultation to meet the needs of all children.
Our coaching team will complete on-site observations and, in consultation with you, develop strategies and goals to support program staff in managing challenging behaviours.
ICC is a collaborative program that is a blend of multiple disciplines. We understand that all licensed child care programs have diverse needs so we’ve designed our team to accommodate your unique needs. Our coaching team consists of Educators, Early Childhood Specialists, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists and Speech and Language Pathologists.
Yes, ICC works with all licensed child care facilities, out-of-school care programs and dayhomes in the Calgary and area region. The focus of our work is to coach and consult early childhood educators in licensed child care facilities up to and including school age children in out-of-school programs.
The ICC coaching team works collaboratively with licensed dayhome consultants and the dayhome operators to develop strategies and create positive successful environmental solutions to maintain engagement of all children in their dayhome. As a parent, if you have concerns you can ask your child care program to contact ICC for more information.
Engagement agreements are not provided to all child care programs and comes with criteria and requirements. Any program receiving funding must be engaged in coaching/capacity building to support sustainable impact for inclusive practices. Funding is only provided when there is a safety concern with the current ratio and circumstances to support safety are required. The program coach will determine if an engagement agreement would enhance the coaching goals and can be discussed with you. This is different than 1:1 in that the support is intended for the class, not an individual child.
ICC has a variety of ways to engage child care programs in professional learning opportunities. Alongside program coaching our team provides e-learning webinars, workshops, lunch and learns and reflective team conversations. You can register for these by contacting ICC at community@providencechildren.com.
A range of professional development includes:
No. ICC does not complete therapeutic assessments. Our coaching team can help you find the right resource you may be looking for.
No. ICC therapists will provide generalized therapeutic strategies to increase knowledge and skills of the educators in a classroom. We do not provide 1:1 direct therapeutic support for individual children.
We receive all ICC applications for an individual classroom within 48 hours. The coordination of the coaching team can take up to a few days. A program coach will be in contact with your program within a week of receiving the application to schedule a time for an initial meeting and observation.
The ICC program works collaboratively with child care programs for approximately 6 months. The initial phase is to strengthen relationships with the program director and educators while observing the classroom with the identified needs.
After the observation of the classroom, program coaching goals are developed with the director and educators. The following 8-10 weeks are on-site coaching sessions in the classroom with the ICC coaching team.
The final 3 months are the integration phase where programs have the opportunity to practice new strategies. The coaching team will visit on-site monthly for 3 months during this phase.
If the program reports having success with the new strategies, the program is discharged from the ICC program.